So, the way I had originally set up the blog was using a program to write files to keep on the server. But, when I uploaded it to where I was previously hosting the website, I realized that the deployment process would be much more tedious than using the automatic deployment available on Heroku, where I wound up settling on. The only problem is that Heroku deletes any files created while a program is running after it stops. Sooo, if I had done it that way, Heroku would just delete my posts every time it went down. Anyway, after I decided to make the switch for my own convenience, I had to go through and come up with a different way to store the blog posts. That in and of itself isn't that difficult, and I did that before for (By the way, go check out Just Egg Comics. I think they're cool or something idk.) However, when I was doing all of this, I ran into a problem having it work when I uploaded it. Essentially, it worked on my computer, but the server was case-sensitive and a file I had accidentally written with the wrong capitalization wasn't able to be found. I obviously finally got it working. Now, I'm gonna work on some more features for this site, but also try to keep working on some other projects. Here are those so you know what to expect:
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